Working with Posts

These are used for entering the content of a news item, a factsheet, an article or a slideshow slide. Each post is assigned a category which defines where it will appear on the website when the post is published.

Making a new Post

  1. Choose New Post from the Admin Bar.
  2. In the field at the top enter the title.
  3. Select the appropriate category from the list of options in the Category box – over on the right (under the date)
  4. Using the Visual or Text editor enter your content
  5. Periodically click the Save draft button to save your changes as a draft.
  6. When your happy with the content click the blue Publish/Update button to save your changes.

At this point, the post will appear on the relevant page(s).

Adding a featured image

Whilst editing the post:

  1. Click on Set featured image link in the Featured image box – over on the right (under the Tags box)
  2. Select a featured image from the Media library or upload a new image. Click on the blue Set featured image button
  3. Click on the blue Publish/Update button to save your changes.

Note: posts created for the home page slideshow must have a featured image and only the slideshow category selected.

Adding an image in the main column

Whilst editing the post:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the picture to appear in the main content text.
  2. Click the Add Media link above the row of editor buttons.
  3. Add a Caption that will appear under the picture every time it is used.
  4. The Link URL is best set to None – otherwise the image becomes a rather pointless link back to a page containing nothing but that same image – potentially confusing for the site visitor.
  5. Use the Alignment option to specify whether you want the image float to the right (recommended for medium images) or left within the column.
  6. Then specify the Size you want ie Medium or large (fills whole area).
  7. When you’ve made your choices/adjustments, click blue Insert into post button and you will be returned to the page/post editing panel.
  8. Click on the blue Publish/Update button to save your changes.