Newsletter : October 2009

Banker bonuses – for what?


A huge welcome to all our new members – thanks for joining the campaign at this exciting time. Please take part in our mass action below.

Record Breaking Bonuses Return

Take action: the papers are once again full of reports of huge profits and record bonuses for the bankers. This comes as the economic crisis continues to push 100 people a minute into poverty. Click on this story to let Gordon Brown know that we cannot return to business as usual.

G20 Counter Conference:
Making the Links Between the Economy, Decent Work, the Environment and the Global Fight Against Poverty. Setting an Agenda for the Future.

Earlier this year tens of thousands marched to demand the G20 Put People First. This 7 November, as the G20 return to the UK, the Put People First counter-conferences will be held simultaneously in London and St Andrews.

They will bring together academics, activists, campaigners, unions, policy makers and YOU to share ideas on what the alternatives are to cuts, cuts and more cuts, and how to organise across our issues of jobs, justice and climate to make the alternative a reality.

Find out more here and to register, click here: